Maintenance contract

Reasons why you should suscribe to a maintenance contract
Unique technical skills for a quick return on investment
Customers will have at their disposal a competent maintenance department which guarantees an availability rate in excess of 98%.
Optimum reliability
We propose a schedule of annual technical inspections in the form of a check-list of maintenance works adapted to the machine, its service life and utilization.
Reduced maintenance cost
Productivity improvement, increased service life of the molding machine, many advantages,... while the annual maintenance costs are under 3% of the investment cost.
Everything (and more!) taken care of by REP
The REP service engineer will not only perform the maintenance works and provide the dimensional inspection report. Because he has a unique experience of our products, the customer may take advantage of his presence to have all his questions answered.
Spare parts at preferential rates
At the end of the service visit, a list of spare parts to be replaced is handled out to the customer at preferential rates. The maintenance contract pays for itself very quickly!