REP Net 4.0

Your production line at your fingertips and at a glance
REP Net 4.0 is a software program used to link the presses to a centralized data system
This user-friendly system using Windows checks the process quality in real time, centralizes the mold settings and follows the production schedule.
We are now in the fourth generation of presses network, since the 1st version of repnet in 1987.
REP Net 4.0 is still compatible with previous generations of presses! (G6, G7, G8, G9, G10).
REP Net 4.0 is provided with a simplified web interface.
allows to be alerted in real time on the status of the workshop!
REP Net 4.0 fits into Industry 4.0 and provides:
• Cycle traceability (set value, measured value, SPC calculation)
• Mould settings transfer and centralizing
• Help for production management, workshop modelling
Real time follow-up
Management of the production progress and anticipated series changes
CIM Concept (Computer Integrated Manufacturing):
Supervision and coordination of the production operations and flows to follow the input and availability of the presses.
REP Net 4.0 can share its data with the company's management systems (ERP, MES, etc.) via the OPC UA protocol, the widely used communication standard within the scope of Industry 4.0
Centralized settings
Workshop flexibility
The process setting database is used to transfer the settings and easily change the productions between the presses.
Permanent guarantee of the production stability
SPC Concept (Statistical Process Control) :
Record of the set values, measured values and supervision of the process stability and conformity.